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id number 31973
area 105 m²

2 family houses for sale in the Mecsek-szaká part of Orfűn

97.200.000 huf

2 family houses for sale in the Mecsek-szaká part of Orfűn
In Orfűn, 800m from Lake Pécsi, a family house + guest house is for sale in a landscaped area with outbuildings. The property is fully equipped with utilities, the gas is located within the plot.


  • number of rooms
  • 5
  • Félszobák száma
  • 3
  • comfort level
  • dupla komfortos
  • heating
  • fa fűtés
  • Telek alapterület
  • 3718
  • district
  • parking
  • udvari beálló

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